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Support for Schools & Staff Training


According to the National Autistic Society, more than one in a hundred children in the UK are on the autistic spectrum, with 70% of them being taught in mainstream classrooms and the rest in special schools. This means that it is very likely that every teacher will have a pupil with autism in their classroom. Up until 2016 autism training for teachers was not compulsory. Research undertaken by the charity Ambitious About Autism concluded that as many as 60% of teachers did not feel confident in teaching children with autism.


Teachers and TAs may be confronted with many challenges to ensure that children are accessing the curriculum in class. The school environment can be a struggle for many children but even more so for those on the autism spectrum due to possible sensory issues and need for structure. By understanding these challenges, staff can better support the development of autistic pupils so that they achieve success in their learning, have positive experiences and reach their full potential. 

Increased knowledge about autism and professional development for teachers and TAs brings with it positive attitudes to inclusion, happier staff and parents but ultimately, and more importantly, better results for all children on the autism spectrum.


How I can help


  • I can advise on how to teach core subjects effectively using the child’s interests and strengths as motivators so as to accelerate learning.

  • I can help by offering 1:1 training so that teachers and learning support assistants have a greater depth of understanding about autism, its characteristics and the challenges that children on the autism spectrum face at school.

  • I can advise on interventions to address deficits in joint attention, social skills, expressive and receptive communication, attention and listening, and fine motor skills.


  • I can help teachers to plan the layout of their classrooms and the resources within it to ensure that the environment, activities and lessons are autism friendly and accessible to the child. This will positively impact on the children's behaviour, socialisation skills and learning.

  • I can advise on how to make teaching more appealing and motivating. This includes guidance on choosing both practical and interactive resources to support teaching and learning.


  • I can help with behaviour management and provide strategies on how to successfully manage transitions.


  • I can advise on how to equip your provision or classroom with autism friendly resources so that funds are spent effectively.



If they can’t learn the way we teach, we teach the way they learn.”  

Dr Ivar Lovaas

Free initial phone consultation

For further information please click below

Choo McCarthy 

106 Cotswold Gardens London NW2 1PN

Phone: 07984 125989‬


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106 Cotswold Gardens, London NW2 1PN, UK

Choo McCarthy Autism Specialist Teacher & Consultant

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